Welcome to
The Tumwater Hill PTA Blog

Stay Connected: Exciting PTA Events, Elections, and More!
PTA spring updates: elections, events, and more

Thoughts on Fall
Fall Updates: Trunk or Treat, Fall Day of Service and more

May Newsletter
May Newsletter

Yearbook Order Form
Yearbook orders are now open! Cost is $15 and the deadline is May 6th.

Spring PTA Newsletter
Spring is in full swing, and here at Tumwater Hill Elementary PTA, we're buzzing with excitement about all the fantastic events and activities lined up for the remainder of the school year! From volunteer opportunities to fun-filled adventures for families, we've got something for everyone. So, let's dive in and see what's on the horizon!

Spirit Wear is on Sale NOW!!
Spirit Wear is on sale now! Orders accepted through 3/4/24!

Cozy Indoor Activities to do With Kiddos
Guess what time of year it is!? Sweater weather and early indoor evenings. Whether it’s crafting up a storm, having a movie marathon, or embarking on an exciting science experiment, we’ve put together a few ideas to make your chilly nights a little more cheerful.

It is difficult determining whether that sniffle warrants a day at home or if it’s just cold weather affecting the sinuses. And we’re all too familiar with that dreaded call to the boss to let them know you can’t come in today because of your sick kiddo, especially in this post-COVID world. Thankfully employers are more empathetic to preventing disease than ever before. Staying home when sick is the most important way to help prevent the spread of germs!

Kid-Friendly Fall Activities & Events

Pickup & Dropoff Etiquette
We know - pickup and drop-off can be frustrating and test all of our patience! Here are a handful of etiquette tips for making your (and others’) school experience just a little better.