Tumwater Hill PTA

supportive, inclusive, community driven

Volunteers Needed

  • Spring Book Fair

  • Field Day 2025!!

Direct Donation

Thank you for considering us for your charitable donation! A direct financial donation is a powerful, direct way to support the valuable work of the PTA.

We understand that not all families have time in their schedule to volunteer in person, and that many individuals face other challenges and obstacles. In varying ways, we can all make a difference.

Find Support

We strive to create and share content that uplifts, inspires, and encourages you in your parent or caretaking roles. No guilt here! First and foremost, we are here to support and encourage.

Get Connected

Sometimes getting plugged into a school can feel intimidating. We are here to be a conduit for community, volunteerism, and overall supporting and contributing to the positive school experiences of our children.


We know you’re busy! And the last thing we want to be is another pressure. We have bite-sized volunteer opportunities AND larger roles for you to fill, all dependent on your availability!

Join the PTA

One step at a time! Before you stress about how much time you can commit to volunteering, we would love to simply have you as a member! Here’s your roadmap to get started:

  • Fill out the form

  • Pay your $15 member dues

  • Sign up for the email newsletter

  • Attend quarterly meetings to stay in the loop and have your voice be heard!

  • Volunteer as able OR be a cheerleader on social media (that’s helpful too!)

Easy Ways To Volunteer

Whether you have 15 minutes a week or unlimited amounts of time, we have just the volunteer opportunities to fit your schedule! Here are just a few examples:

  • Put flyers in teachers’ mailboxes to be sent home in student backpacks (Estimated time commitment 10 min, 1-2x/month)

  • Event Chair Person - heads up a specific event in the year (dance, bingo night, etc.. Estimated time commitment varies)

  • Email Newsletter Coordinator - writes monthly email newsletter with updates, fun tidbits, and event calendar (estimated time commitment 45-120 minutes each month)

  • Event Helper - assist with social events, Book Fair, dances, etc. (Estimated time commitment, 45-120 minutes per desired event)

Upcoming events.

Keep track of upcoming school and/or PTA sponsored events here! Signing up for our newsletter is also a super simple way to stay in the loop. Fill out the form below if you want to get on the list!

Supporting kids & investing in our future.